
Showing posts from November, 2017

[Admin] Analysis for Party Time

Original story  here. ===================================== =====================================

[Fanfic, 100% OJ] Flowers and the Sky

Series: Flying Red Barrel Genre: Slice of life Length: 1481 words B/D: Another quick little story. This one's a surprise gift for Airie, who had a birthday recently.

[Fanfic, 100% OJ] Pudding for Two

Genre: Humour/Romance Length: 1879 words B/D: I wanted to do some quick little shorter stories for friends before I start working on the Christmas/New Year's event stories. Here's one for Yoshister, aka Dino! (It's been a while since I wrote a QP/Aru story...) QP was a girl of many talents, and one of them was that she could smash ‘pudding’ into any other word to create a new and bizarre entity. She was Captain Picard at the bridge of the Enterprise, shouting ‘make it so!’; according to her whims, the world now knew the wonder of being pudding-shy, of taking pudding baths, and of course, the majesty of the puddingphone, which was much like a phone of the xylo variety but with a pleasing wobble applied to all the notes. She earnestly believed that the reason all these ideas flourished organically into things that existed was that adding pudding to any given idea automagically made it better. Aru, on the other hand, thought it was likely up to the fact that she...

[Fanfic, 100% OJ] Party Time

Genre: Comedy Length: 5201 words B/D: This is the second of the Community Card Art stories, based on Party Time , by Egumi. Congratulations on winning! They've graciously allowed me to do a prompt and link their artwork; if you like the art, be sure to go and give it a thumbs up. This story took me ages -- a little bit of writer's block combined with a somewhat linear prompt combined for a nightmare, haha. It's set in the Mixed Juice verse. Hopefully peeps will still enjoy it as a very silly little thing.

[Fanfic, 100% Orange Juice] Speaking in Tongues

Genre: Slice of Life Length: 4015 words B/D: Part of a little experiment, which I'll explain somewhat at the end. It'll seem a little weird until then, but sometimes you just have to try something to see if it'll work.

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