Timelines and Directories
Although users can sort by tags, I figured I might as well work on building a little archive that lists different 'series' of stories by the rough order that they take place in-universe. Generally this is just the same order that they get posted, but I can't always guarantee that will be correct in future, and it should help folks find where the sequence starts without ferreting around too much. Hopefully, I'll be keeping this updated with links and such; if not, yell at me.
QPverse Series:
Favourite Customer > Free Lunch > Fear Response > Game Master > Season's Greetings > Season's Greetings 2 > Eye Test > Watchdog
(These two take place in an undetermined timeframe, since they have a different flavour to the others. I imagine the characters being older at this point, so maybe in the future after Watchdog.)
The Space Between (note to self: formatting is borked, maybe take this down and reupload a fixed version at some point) > Understand
Sugiverse stories can be separated into two main categories: stories where Suguri is the focus, and stories where Sora is the focus. Suguri stories will be red on this list, and Sora stories will be green -- to match their eye colours, of course. Anything else is standalone character stuff.
Explorers (link) > Visionary (link) > Domesticated (link) > Inevitable (link) > The Fanservice Episode, Frankly (link) > Lazy Sunday (link) > Slumber (link) > Exercise (link) > Awkward (link) > Awkward Part 2 (link) > Picnic (link) > Private Dinner (link) > War and Peace (link) > Books and Coffee (link) > Snowy Day (link) > Orbs and Baubles (link) > Traditional (link) > Thunderstorm (link) > Cat Smile (link) > Souvenirs (link) > Fever (link) > Fishing Trip (link) > Suguri(a)'s Secret (link)
Suguriverse Pre-War:
This is for stories set before the war in Sora's time takes place. These probably won't have continuity with the other Sora/Suguri stories.
The following stories are either not in any continuity, or have a separate timeline:
Other series:
None yet!
Drabbles & Drabble Collections:
In general:
-Any drabble not in a collection is stand alone and not related to other stories plotwise.
-Unless a drabble collection is part of a numbered set (e.g. collection title > collection title 2), you can assume they have some rough continuity within the collection, but not to any other collection. If it is part of a numbered set, assume that there is continuity within that numbered set, but not anywhere else.
-If in doubt, assume there isn't any continuity. That's what I do!
Various OJ drabbles scattered around (note to self: take these down and reupload them as a collection for easy browsing)
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