Hey there. It’s that time of month again – the last seven days, where I pick a project and try to do it either in addition to, or instead of, my usual stories. This time, the project is a series of actual blog posts – the heresy! I’ll be talking about a bunch of things, including plans for the blog, stories I’d like to do, and hobby stuff. You might notice, browsing around, that I keep opinion pieces very, very infrequent. In fact, I believe the only one thus far is a sheepish introduction to the blog itself. That’s on purpose. Fundamentally, I don’t believe my opinions are interesting; when they are interesting, it tends to be because they’re ludicrous. There’s no value to them to anybody except myself. I don’t write reviews, because judging a work is not what I go in for; if I were to write any opinion piece on something, it would be a play by play of my thoughts as I experience it, which is rather more work than I’m entirely comfortable with. Characters, though, I have seve...