[Drabble Week, 100% OJ] Curlers

It was meant to be a quiet evening – snacks, pyjamas, truth or dare where everybody picked truth. Then Krila found the perm rods, and decided they made her look like Medusa. Syura, predictably, ran with it.
“Sir Aru! Cleave her in twain with your mighty greatsword and save Princess QP!” Syura the cleric yelled.
Aru didn't have a greatsword. Aru had a standing lamp.
Dark Krilalaris surged forward. Her foot came down on a lone cup of pudding left on the floor. A terrifying silence descended upon the room.
Tearing off her lampshade tiara, the true final boss revealed herself.

A/N: This is one reason I love doing drabbles -- occasionally I hit upon stuff like this that could make a good full length story, and I essentially leave myself a 100 word note telling me to do it later.


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